Image illustrative de Heartbeat
Image illustrative de Heartbeat


Based on the real life and achievements of Dr. Kathy Magliato, this unique character-driven medical drama follows Dr. Alex Panttiere, an outspoken, world-renowned heart transplant surgeon, one of the few women in her field. Stubborn and fearless, Alex always operates on her own terms. She revels in a racy personal life ...

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Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Drame, Médical, Drama NBC 2016

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1.02 - Twins


When conjoined twins arrive at the hospital with a cancer diagnoses, Alex recommends a very risky surgery, resulting in a major ethical debate within the department. After spending time with the twins and observing their unique relationship, Alex also begins to question her relationship with Pierce.

Diffusion originale : 23 mars 2016

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Diffusion française : 23 mars 2016
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Allison Liddi-Brown
Scénariste.s : Jill Gordon
Guest.s :

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